The 342 billion yen digital manga market is rapidly growing causing a sharp rise in demand for digital manga goods. Manga Token bridges the gap between manga creators and fans online by putting only authentic original manga NFTs into the hands of collectors.
Watch the intro see the deck read the whitepaperMangaka get rewarded for your votes to boost up their ranking in the leaderboard.
Buy Manga NFTs at 0% transaction fees from the Trophee platform.
Stake to vote for your favourite manga title and get rewarded with manga NFTs. You can also stake to get allocation for manga related projects’ Initial DEX Offering (IDO) through our Manga Project Starter.
Support your favourite Mangaka to so that they can continue to produce good works for your to enjoy. Get to read manga for free and stock up collectibles you like. Vote up your favourite manga to get rare exclusive collectibles. Mangakas get rewarded for all your actions!
Manga Token was launched on the Binance Smart Chain through an IDO in Prostarter. Furthermore, below you can find all the tokenomics and its utility.